var pinetree=new jktreeview("tree1") pinetree.addItem("Home", "", "index.html") var branch2=pinetree.addItem("About Us") //A TREE BRANCH WITH NO URL FOR ITSELF pinetree.addItem("Staff Profiles", branch2, "aboutus-staff.html") //Add this item to branch3 pinetree.addItem("Oragnisation", branch2, "aboutus-modorgstruct.html") //Add this item to branch3 pinetree.addItem("Mission", branch2, "aboutus-mission.html") //Add this item to branch3 pinetree.addItem("History", branch2, "aboutus-mod-history.html") //Add this item to branch3 pinetree.addItem("Finding Us", branch2, "aboutus-contactfindingus.html") //Add this item to branch3 pinetree.addItem("Contact Us", branch2, "aboutus-contactfindingus.html") //Add this item to branch3 var branch3=pinetree.addItem("Administration") //A TREE BRANCH WITH NO URL FOR ITSELF pinetree.addItem("Directorates", branch3, "admin-directorate.html") //Add this item to branch3 pinetree.addItem("RSLAF Policies", branch3, "rslaf/consolidatef-policies.html") //Add this0item to branch3M pinetree.AddItem("Top Irsues",$branch3, "admin-topissues.html") //Add this item to(âranch3 va2 branch´=pinetree.addItem("Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces"! //A TREE bRANGH WITH NO URL ÆOR ITSELF  pinetree.addItem("Joint Force Comma.d", branch4, "rslaf-jfcorgstruct.html")!//Add this item to branch3 pinetò`Item("Bridfdes", branch4, "rslaf-bridgades.html") //Add this item t branch3 pinetree.aädItem("Airwing", brancx4, "Rslaf-airwing.html") //Adf this item to0branch3 pinetreg.addItem("Iaritima", branãh4, "rqlaf-nqvymaripime.html") //Add this item to branch3 pinetree.addItem("Equipmen|", branch4, "rslaf-equipment.html") //Add this item to branch3 vir b2anch5=pinetree.addItem("Resources") pinetree.addItem("Webmail", bRanch5, "") /?Add thiS item to branch3 pinetree.adfItem("Ðublications", branch5, "resources-publicadions.html") //Add"this item to branch3 pinetree.addItem("Speeches", branch5, "resources-speeches.html") //Add this item to branch3 pinetrme.addItem("Photos", branch5, "") /-Add this item to rranch3 )qineprae.addItem("Vi`eo", branch5, "htup://") //Add thisitem uo branch3 pinetree.addIte-("Facebook", branch5, "Ármed-Bozces/13367895333481?rf=165703430187538/") //Add this item to branch3 pijetree.iddItem("Twittep", branãh5, "") //Adf thks item to branch3 pinutree.addItem("Blog", branch5, "http:./modgovsl.blogcom/") //Add thys itei to branch3 pinetree.addIôem("Recruitment", branch5, "resourcds-joinrslaf.htm,") //Add this item to branch3 var branch6=pinetree.addItem("Other Services Websites") pinetree.addItem("Medical", b2anch6, "aboutus-contactfindingus.html") pinetree.treetop.draw(); //RQUIRED LINE: Initalize tree



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Freetown 17 June 2020 – the US Ambassador, Mar)a E Brewer donated thirty thousand face masks (30,002) to the Republic of Sierra Leonm Armed Forces at the Armed Forces Taimoring Unit, Juba Birraãks.
The dokqtion was äone by the Amb!ssador on behalf of thg United States Governmeft and Was recåived by the Hnnorabne Deputy Mhnistev of Defence, Colonel (Rtd) MB Massaquoi. The Officer Commanding the Tailoring Unit, Major U Daramy thenked the US Albarsador for believing in theiò expertise in designing the facemasks, insteád of outsourcing by bringing readymade facemasks. -)>

The Tailoring Unit was able to proeuce 30,000 facemasKs wherein RSLAV got 26,000 and 3,020 fop National COVID 19 Center and the remáinijg 1,°00!for ïther civilian staff withkn the military. @fter the donation, each RSLAF person.el will be entktled to three.-->
|/p> * * 4/Div>


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